Blog Metamorphosis

Some of you may have noticed a few changes on my blog. The biggest change: A completely new name and domain!

You will not be seeing posts from I am Deciding to Follow Jesus or Not. Instead, look out for posts from Esther Yvette. I’ve been considering changing my blog name for a while now. It started as a spiritual journey to find myself and God. And though this blog has documented my spiritual journey, it has metamorphosed into an online diary that captured my job search struggles and career exploration, my move to Boston, and the continuing discovery of myself.

It has become more than just a spiritual journey. Therefore, I think it is fitting to change the name to better encapsulate the entirety of my experiences and persona. I am no longer deciding to follow Jesus or not.

I have decided to follow my heart.

As I mentioned in my last post, the universe keeps bringing me back to my purpose. I believe that is God telling me to follow my passions. God is telling me to be Esther. And that’s who I’m going to be.

The name of my blog represents who I am. Esther is my first name. Yvette is my middle name. Together it means the Star Archer.

I’m shooting for the stars, y’all!

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I’m so blessed to have you on this journey with me and I’m excited about where life is gonna take me next. Look forward, to more inspiration, motivation, more transformations as well as more trials, struggles and tribulations.

Over the next week, I’ll be changing the layout of the page and messing with the menus. I’m really open to your advice and suggestions.

Peace and love.

-Esther Yvette


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